David Speaking at PESI Idaho Elder Law – 2016 Seminar

Wyndham Garden Boise Airport 3300 South Vista Avenue, Boise

David Wilson will present Planning for Incapacity as part of the PESI Idaho Elder Law - 2016 Seminar.  David's presentation will center on paying for long term care through private means, VA Benefits and Medicaid. This seminar provides 6 CE hours including 1 CE hour of Ethics. Pre-registration is required at http://www.pesi.com/search/detail/index.aspx?eventid=44699.  


David Speaking at Gem State Tax Symposium

BSU Student Union, Lookout Room 1700 University Drive, Boise, ID, United States

The 2016 Gem State Tax Symposium will bring top national and Idaho speakers to Boise State to discuss current tax issues, law changes and policy issues professionals are facing. David Wilson will present on "Hot Topics in Elder Law"  David's presentation will center on the intersection of tax law and current [...]


Elder Abuse Training for Victim Service Providers

Notice of Upcoming Community Event: (All Community Events are posted by Ahrens DeAngeli Law Group as a service to the community.  We do not endorse or support any particular event or viewpoint.)

Kickoff Lunch – Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Clubhouse Event Center 7311 Potomac Drive, Boise

You are invited to join us for lunch to Kickoff this year's Walk to End Alzheimer's season!  This is everyone's chance to come learn about Walk, the tools offered and to pick up posters, flyers and brochures!   Please RSVP yourself by emailing Lindsay directly at [email protected]. Thanks so much and hopefully we will [...]

2016 Annual Estate Planning Conference

        David Wilson will be speaking at the 2016 Annual Idaho Estate Planning Conference September 30 - October 1, 2016.  More information to come!

WORKSHOP Advance Care Planning/Living Wills

Idaho Dept of Labor 4514 Thomas Jefferson Street, Caldwell, ID, United States

Interactive and Hands on Training: David J. Wilson, Ahrens DeAngeli Law Group Kimberly Ouwehand, Treasure Valley Hospice "Conversations" is a HOT topic and this is and interactive training with experts through an actual Advance Directives/Living Will from top to bottom for better understanding of the documents and your options. Completely [...]

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